LECTURES:  SYS 601 Systematic Theology Lectures and Detailed Outlines (62 lectures)


SKU: SYS-601-Lectures-Outlines Category:


These lectures are by Rev. Dr. Carl Bogue (62 lectures) through the entire Westminster Confession of Faith.  This particular series covers chapters 10 through 20 including the study of Effectual Calling, Justification, Adoption, Sanctification, Saving Faith, Repentance unto Life, Good Works, Perseverance of the Saints, Assurance of Grace and Salvation, Law of God, and Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience.  He uses the original Westminster Confession of 1647. Along with the lectures, we also include a very detailed outlined transcript which essentially eliminates the vast majority of note-taking (see details below).

The audio lectures are in an MP3 format and are available by download.  The  detailed outlines in password are protected PDF files viewable or printable from any computer.


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