OTS 501 – Survey of the Historical Books

From: $305.00

OTS 501 - Course Payment - Survey of the Historical Books of the Old Testament (3 credit hours)


LECTURES:  Survey of the Historical Books of the Old Testament Lectures, Outlines, Handouts and Transcripts (18 lectures)


The Five Books of Moses by Oswald T. Allis NEW & USED

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An Introduction to the Old Testament by Edward J. Young (used books only)

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The Land by Walter Brueggemann (used books only)

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SKU: OTS-501-Survey-Historical Category: Brand:


OTS 501 – Survey of the Historical Books of the Old Testament

OTS 501 – Survey of the Historical Books of the Old Testament, a 3 credit hour course of studies in the Masters programs of Reformation International Theological Seminary.

Course Description:  3 credit hours

This course is designed to be a study of various issues and themes in the historical books of the Old Testament.  It includes a review of critical scholarship and, over against it, to maintain a loyalty to these books as the infallible and inspired Word of God.  The course includes lectures to cover a study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1& 2 Kings, the Tabernacle, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.  This course should give the student a solid biblical grounding in these books of Holy Scripture.

Required Materials for the Course (see below for more information and purchase options)

OTS 501 – Course Payment – Survey of the Historical Books of the Old Testament (3 credit hours)

This covers the tuition payment for this 3 credit hour course.

LECTURES:  Survey of the Historical Books of the Old Testament Lectures, Outlines, Handouts and Transcripts (18 lectures)

These lectures are by Rev. Dr. Joseph Morecraft III (18 lectures) were given during 2003-2006 as part of a survey through the books of the Bible.  They are extremely succinct and combined with the charts, outlines and additional notes, make a very good overview of the historical books of the Old Testament.  The course description above covers their content.  There is no charge for the lectures as they are in a public domain though not always easily available or of the best quality.  Along with the free lectures, we also include word-for-word transcripts for our students as there are some errors in references which have been corrected in the transcripts.

The audio lectures are in an MP3 format and are available by download.  The transcripts, outlines and handouts in PDF files are viewable or printable from any computer.


The Five Books of Moses by Oswald T. Allis (new and used books available) New & Used available.  The Five Books of Moses is a re-examination of the modern theory that the Pentateuch is a late compilation from diverse and conflicting sources of authors and editors whose identity is completely unknown.

Biblical critics argued that the first five books of Scripture were not written by Moses, but were a later compilation from various conflicting sources by unknown authors and editors.  here Der. Allis closely re-exames that critical theory and places before the reader the evidence for the unity and harmony of the five books of Moses. Oswald T. Allis, Ph.D., received his doctorate from the University of Berlin, and received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Hampden Sydney College in 1927.  He taught in the Department of Semitic Philology at Princeton Theological Seminary for 19 years, and served as Professor in the Old Testament Department of Westminster Theological Seminary for seven years.  Dr. Allis authored additional works including Prophecy and the ChurchThe Unity of Isaiah and God Spake by MosesRevision or New Translation.

An Introduction to the Old Testament by Edward J. Young (used books only)

Edward J. Young’s An Introduction to the Old Testament has served Old Testament students well over the past forty years. In this classic, scholarly, conservative text Young concentrates on the literary characteristics of the Old Testament books, arguing for the inner harmony and underlying unity of the literary units in the Old Testament in contrast to those who seek to undermine the authorship of the traditional writers.  The book includes special bibliographies for each chapter, a general bibliography, and three indexes.

Edward J. Young (1907-1968) was considered one of the ablest conservative scholars in the field of Old Testament, and served for many years as Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia.

The Land by Walter Brueggemann (used books only)

The land was one of the most vibrant symbols for the people of ancient Israel. In the land-gift, promise, and challenge-was found the physical source of Israel’s fertility and life, and a place for the gathering of the hopes of the covenant people. In this careful treatment, Walter Brueggemann follows the development of his theme through the major blocks of Israel’s traditions. The book provides a point of entrance both to the theology of the Old Testament and to aspects of the New Testament-even as it illuminates crucial issues of the contemporary scene.

Additional information

The Five Books of Moses by Oswald T. Allis NEW & USED

Weight 1.25 lbs

New, Used

An Introduction to the Old Testament by Edward J. Young (used books only)

Weight 1.2 lbs

The Land by Walter Brueggemann (used books only)

Weight 1 lbs


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