Westminster Confession of Faith (1647)
In Hardback and Paperback
This is the latest and most accurate edition of the approved documents coming forth from the Westminster Assembly (1643-1649), considered to be greatest of all the creeds of the Christian Church, especially for its thoroughness. The text is based upon the critical text of S. W. Caruthers and is the latest such edition (2003) with all these corrections. It is the original confessional standards approved and ratified by the assembly in 1647. It includes the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, along with The Sum of Saving Knowledge, The National Covenant, The Solemn League and Covenant, The Directory for the Public Worship of God, The Form of Presbyterian Church Governmernt, and The Directory for Family Worship. Included throughout are the full Scripture proof texts, making it uniquely convenient for study and discussion.
This document is used by the vast majority of Presbyterian Churches in the world, including many in the United States. Some in the United States follow a later American edition which was based upon this one.
Among all the the shifting sands of of theological opinion here is solid truth, for it has its foundation in the unchanging truth of Scripture — witness the copious references from the Bible which are printed on each page. Because of its faithfulness to Scripture the Confession has permanent worth and abiding relevance.
The Church of Christ cannot be creedless and live. Especially in an age of doubt and confusion, it is her duty to define the Christian faith and to proclaim it to the world. Nowhere has the Reformed Church done this so effectively as in The Westminster Confession of Faith. While always recognizing the supreme place of the Word of God in all matters of faith and practice, one can always turn to the Confession as one’s subordinate standard. Here readers will find spiritual treasure; here too they will find comfort and strength.
This book is highly recommended for use in the Systematic Theology courses taught for Reformation International Theological Seminary by Dr. Carl Bogue (SYS 501, 502, 601, 602). It is available in both hardback and paperback editions.
Hardback ISBN: 0902506080
Paperback ISBN: 0902506358
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