MTH 802 – Theology of Reformed Evangelism

From: $325.25

MTH 802 - Course Payment - Theology of Reformed Evangelism


MTH 802 - MP3 Audio Lectures + PDF Transcript/Outline


Today's Gospel by Walter Chantry

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Ashamed of the Gospel - When the Church Becomes Like the World - John MacArthur

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MTH 802 – Theology of Reformed Evangelism

MTH 802 – Theology of Reformed Evangelism, a 3 credit hour course of studies in the Masters programs of Reformation International Theological Seminary.

Course Description: 3 credit hours

This course on the Theology of Reformed Evangelism is uniquely scriptural and confessional in its approach and follows the historic Reformed and Presbyterian confessional standards.  It is specifically designed to counter the popular methodological approach imported into Reformed and Presbyterian churches from non-biblical approaches.  Most of today’s evangelism, even in Reformed circles, operates on Arminian theology and secular sales techniques.  This course is a corrective to these common errors and gives a solid Scriptural understanding of the subject.

 Required Materials for the Course (see below for more information and purchase)

MTH 802 – Course Payment – Theology of Reformed Evangelism (3 credit hours)

This covers the tuition payment for this 3 credit course.

LECTURES: Theology of Reformed Evangelism Lectures (DOWNLOADABLE MP3 audio lectures (23), PDF transcripts, PDF versions of three required readings, and one PDF version of the Westminster Confession of Faith to be used as reference aid while listening to the lectures.)

The following is a series of lecture/sermons which were preached to several different congregations specifically for the purpose of providing a series of lectures to students at Reformation International Theological Seminary on the subject of Theology of Reformed Evangelism.  Dr. Jeffery K. Boer, Pastor of Sharon Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Hialeah, Florida, does the bulk of the studies, and Rev. Geoffrey W. Donnan (preaching previously at several other churches for the purpose of his lectures), former Co-Pastor at King’s Reformed Presbyterian Church in Palm Bay, Florida, supplements the series with six lecture/sermons. The student will find this an excellent and unique course on the subject.

TEXTBOOK: Today’s Gospel by Walter Chantry (Paperback)

This book is required reading.

TEXTBOOK: Ashamed of the Gospel–When the Church Becomes Like the World by John MacArthur

This book is required reading.

TEXTBOOK: The Invitation System  by Iain Murray

This book is required reading.

TEXTBOOK: The Religious Tradesman by Richard Steele

For the last 400 years, there’s been a serious shortage of books on the market which apply the principles of Scripture to a person’s calling in life and thus how their life’s calling is a witness to Christ and His gospel.  All too often, even in Christian circles, people tend to divorce their daily work from Christian service and Christian principles.  They seem to operate in two separate spheres in their lives:  One dealing with religious and church-related matters, and one dealing with their jobs and secular matters.  As a result, very few people have a proper grasp as to how the Bible relates to their job or business.  While this book was written in the 1600s, its application to today could never be more needed.  The purpose of this book as required for this course on the Theology of Reformed Evangelism is to demonstrate to students that evangelism is a life-calling for Christian, but is one that does not require church visits door-to-door, but rather in the everyday living of one’s life as a Christian.

This book is provided free of charge in a PDF format along with the lectures to current student’s of this course.

TEXTBOOK: Reformed Perspectives on Evangelism:  Select Readings on Reformed Evangelism from a Reformed Perspective  by Reformation Christian Ministries

This book is a compendium of articles and came about in preparation for additional reading assignments for this course in the Theology of Reformed Evangelism.  As we surveyed the available books on the subject of evangelism, it became evident that something was necessary which would demonstrate what the historic position was, as well as how we have come to the distorted approach to evangelism so prevalent today, even in Reformed and Presbyterian churches.

The articles deal with the subject of lay-evangelism, lay-preaching, evangelism and the Reformed faith, decisional regeneration, revival, psychological conditioning in current evangelism techniques, as well as both contemporary and historical perspectives of these.  One article demonstrates that preaching by ordained ministers is the normal and biblical means of evangelism while another sets forth the Scriptural basis for Gospel ministry.  For most, this will be an eye-opening expose of what true evangelism both IS and IS NOT.

This book is provided free of charge in a PDF format along with the lectures to current student’s of this course.

You will receive an email from us with a link that will allow you to download course lectures, PDFs, etc., after you complete your order.

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Ashamed of the Gospel - When the Church Becomes Like the World - John MacArthur


New Paperback, Used Paperback

The Invitation System by Iain Murray


New Paperback, Used Paperback


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